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Jinfu Mining published the selection of excellent works in May

Edit:2022-05-31 15:27:25

The Past of Jingu

Yang Jianji, Erenhot Office

As an old saying goes, when people are old, they are easy to remember what happened in the past. I can't get away from vulgarity. I often think of the past of Jingu, and I feel that I have been holding back for a long time. Jingu is living a better life now, but we should not forget the hard past, and we can feel the sweetness of today only when we remember the hardships. So, today we come to talk about the people of Jingu, and talk about Jingu. It is not to build a monument, nor to build a family tradition.

I remember that in April 2019, the Chairman wanted to recruit several geological professionals from the society. So under the introduction of others, the three of us went to Jingu to meet the chairman, which was equivalent to an interview. I was impressed by Nanjin Village, where Hongda Iron Mine needed to be explored. At that time, Nanjinzhao Group was very prosperous and famous, with a lot of traffic in front of mines, steel mills and power plants. It is very difficult to make an appointment with the person in charge of the company. I also heard about Chairman Sun, and I was impressed by the legend of Nanjin Village's capable person, Jia Fujiang. Almost all enterprises of the Group are major participants and builders. After ten years of deep cultivation in Peru, the value of Banggou Iron Mine increased dozens of times by itself, and Banggou Iron Mine also became the main asset of Nanjin in bankruptcy and debt repayment.

Zhou Yi said: When things are extreme, they will turn against each other. At this time, Nanjin was already a big debtor, a synonym for Lao Lai. It was not enough for all the assets under the original group name to pay off the debts. What impressed me most was that when we arrived at the office building, more than a dozen people who were asking for debt were gathering downstairs, shouting the slogan of paying back the money. I thought at that time, can such enterprises survive? Can we afford our salary? I remember that there were not many people working in the five floor office building at that time. It was very cold and many facilities were broken. With doubt, he came to the chairman's office and met the legendary chairman Sun Fubao. With sparse hair, dark skin and small eyes, Maitreya Buddha like face is the first memory that will never be forgotten.

In the reception room, the chairman began to introduce his development ideas. He talked for more than an hour, from home to abroad, from iron ore to energy, from entity to investment. He talked about the present and the future. But what we know is that all the assets of Nanjin Village have been liquidated, and even the office building where we are located is leased to creditors. You can use the analogy of "no room, no land, no ridge". What you think is that no matter how grand your blueprint is, you must have money to buy paper and pen to draw. Where does the money come from? However, his introduction was very encouraging. The three people who were nearly 170 years old together were moved by his sincerity, spirit and blueprint. They immediately got on the boat of Jingu and became a member of Jingu.

Nanjin started out by mining iron ores, and finally fell into the iron industry. Ordinary people will not fail any more. Besides, the market is not clear at this time, and many iron mines have fallen down. So do the iron mines of state-owned enterprises that were acquired later. However, the chairman of the board of directors thought against the trend, survived at the risk, and continued to take the iron industry as the basis for starting Jingu. At that time, many people did not understand, and we did not understand, let alone support. But looking back, the decision was very correct.

Paying will be rewarded, and efforts will be fruitful. After joining the company, he searched for resources with the chairman from all over the country, almost all over Shandong, Sichuan, Yunnan and Xinjiang. At that time, the company had no money. The money for business trip and salary payment was borrowed from the team. After a series of operations, not only did Linzi Hongda, Wanbao Mining and Jinding Mining return to Jingu, but also took the small, broad, and generally believed impossible things as a reality, and seized five state-owned enterprises with nearly 100 million tons of iron and zinc ore reserves. As a result, the company's assets changed from negative to positive, gradually into billions of assets, and started a vigorous business. It is true that without the baptism of violent storms, it is impossible to see the colorful rainbow in the sky.

Talents are the key to the development of enterprises. Since its establishment, the company has treated talents as the greatest wealth. In order to introduce talents, the company renovated the new house of Nanjin New Village with complete equipment and facilities. At the same time, the company started the talent apartment, improved the staff canteen, and moved in with bags after taking up the post, so as to eliminate the worries of foreign talents. At that time, the company was extremely short of funds, but it could not owe employees. I remember that the chairman of the board ordered that the salary should be paid at the time of arrival, and the salary should be paid in advance on holidays. The members of the team could delay, but the employees could not delay for a moment. More than three years later, my salary was delayed when I worked in a state-owned enterprise, but not once in Jingu. The chairman fulfilled his promise at that time. Honesty and trust are the sincerity and trust of Jingu, which is the source of Jingcheng corporate culture.

When we have people, we should set rules, direction and strategy. Over the past few years, the company has set the right thinking, seized the opportunity, achieved rapid development, and become a "double hundred enterprises" in Zibo City. However, the Chairman of the Board has been thinking hard about how to achieve high-quality sustainable development and build a century old enterprise. The result of the exploration is to use external brain to benchmark the top enterprises in the industry and invite first-class professional companies to do professional work. In the past two years, the company has been working hard to build corporate strategic planning and corporate culture. "One body, two wings, sincere culture, integrated development" has entered the heart and mind, greatly improving the cohesion and sense of belonging of employees, and enhancing the corporate image and reputation. Jingu has now become Zibo's business card. With going out of Shandong and going abroad, Jingu will be the mining leader and well-known brand in the industry tomorrow.

Planting wutong trees will naturally attract golden phoenix. The leapfrog development of Jingu has welcomed many followers and investors. A good daughter must marry a good husband. With the support of the government, Jingu's excellent assets, strong corporate culture and good prospects for development attracted Golden Phoenix, a state-owned enterprise in Zibo, the son of the Golden Turtle, to achieve strong alliance. Jingu has since turned around magnificently, stepped onto a higher stage and ushered in better development opportunities.

These are some of the things that happened in Jingu a few years ago, far from the whole history of start-ups, which is magnificent and alarming. We have all participated in the recent events in person, so we won't talk about them in detail. As the saying goes, history is a mirror. People should always look back, stop, take a look, see the road they have traveled, think about the falls and count the crimes they have suffered, so as to avoid repetition of mistakes. This is also my original intention to share with you.

As Jingu people, you and I are lucky. We should be grateful for the great times, and we should also be grateful for a good navigator. But there is no savior in the world. The sustainable and good development of Jingu depends on you and me. As long as we adhere to the principle of sincerity, follow the established direction, stick to it and work hard for a long time, Jingu will have a greater and better future. Let's hope that after a few years of hard work, Jingu may give you a decent and dignified identity instead of a job to earn a living.

Good days are achieved through hard work. Only by rolling up your sleeves and working hard can we realize our dreams and create a better future for Jingu. The world can learn from hard work, and success is in sight.

Come on, Jingu people.


Wormwood · Wormwood Incense

Huang Zhihui, Jinlai Mining

Suddenly, there was an idea of writing wormwood. I went to the Internet to collect some materials. After a search, I found that, not only the wormwood itself, but also the literary works with the title of "Ai Xiang" had gone. Poems, words, songs and articles were all excellent. In the writings of those literati, wormwood looks like a graceful girl, and its fragrance is like a peerless fragrance, while the wormwood hanging on the lintel is so mysterious. I heard of this plant when I was a child, and I generally knew that it could ward off evil spirits. Because my family was in the countryside, and my family was relatively poor. Besides making a living, my parents seldom thought of hanging wormwood, nor did they give me any education in this regard, so I never knew what the wormwood looked like.

Understanding wormwood is after arriving in Shanxi. After the Dragon Boat Festival, my colleagues cut wormwood from the mountain and hung it on the doors and windows. It was a very common plant. There was no special place. The smell when I just cut it back seems to be the general fragrance of plants. I grew up in the countryside. I know that the smell of many plants in the countryside can make people feel relaxed and happy, such as the scent of locust flowers, such as jujube flowers, such as green grass

One afternoon, after dinner, I would climb the mountain behind the living area. In a depression on a steep slope, an elderly colleague said that it was a piece of wormwood. The wormwood grew luxuriantly and was very green. One day I came back from cutting a lot, and put one bundle in the office and one bundle in the dormitory copybook. It is not as mysterious as the scholars said. Although there is a bundle in the room, there is no fragrance at all. One cloudy day, I seemed to smell a little smell in the dormitory. Therefore, it is doubtful whether those literati really smelled Ai Xiang or whether they heard that others smelled Ai Xiang and caused hallucinations. But Ai Xiang has a very special function: it can turn back time! I knew this when I picked up the dried wormwood and smelled it on my face. That smell made me go back to the past, back to my childhood, back to the moonlight like autumn night!

Twenty years ago, life in the countryside was very poor, and children had no entertainment. At that time, it seemed that there was no electricity in the countryside. If there was a moon after dinner, our little friends would come out to play. Livestock are fed in the countryside. In autumn, hardworking people will cut a lot of grass and come back to dry it for feeding animals in winter. At night, they will pile the grass into haystacks, where we spent a hard but happy childhood.

The little friends will play hide and seek, and often run all over in sweat. On the night of early autumn, the evening wind is cool and pleasant. In that season, it was still hot at noon, so people would enjoy the cool at night. Sometimes we will sit around and tell stories, which are all told by adults. The plot of the story is probably the same, but everyone's expression ability is different, which makes the audience feel different. The stories I tell are often fascinating, because I can make things up indiscriminately, embellish them, and act in an unconstrained manner, which also exercises my language expression ability and lays a very solid foundation for my composition level in the future. Lying on the haystack, you will smell the fragrance of grass. It is light and refreshing. I think there may be wormwood incense in the fragrance.

When you look up, you will see that the wormwood on the copywriting has dried up and looks ordinary. The smell must be close to you to smell it. I think the so-called wormwood incense is just a spiritual thing, not the thing itself.


"Spring" in the Yard

Li Yepeng, Linzi Hongda Mining

The small green shoots, the blooming winter jasmine... The taste of early spring is still in the aftertaste. The fireworks in March passed through the fingers, and the misty April suddenly arrived in the willow catkins. The soft white "snow", carrying a trace of cold wind, fluttered gracefully and gracefully, falling on the hair and clothes... Each piece competed to show the arrival of the April spring wind. Still enjoying the graceful spring, May comes with the bright sunshine. This month, which indicates the end of spring and the beginning of summer, warms the plants and flowers with warm wind.

Walking in the plant area of the concentrator, I smelled the fragrance of locust flowers. Looking up, on the hills outside the factory wall, the tall locust trees are covered with white locust flowers, which look particularly beautiful against the green leaves. Oh, it's my taste buds who are doing something strange. I remember the sweetness of grapes in my mouth when I was young

With thoughts still spreading in my mind, I came to the "Flying Stone". The small cleared land is now in full bloom with rose flowers, pulling me back from memory. Against the backdrop of green grass and bright roses, "Tengfei Stone" stands more upright and firm, just like the glorious journey of 30 years since the construction of Linzi Hongda Mining, standing here after several storms. Now, in the big aircraft carrier formation of Jingu Group, Linzi Hongda Mining keeps up with the development of the "one body and two wings" decision-making order, maintains high morale, and moves forward all the way!




Telephone: 0533-3810616

Address: 24th Floor, Daguan, Headquarters of Pharmaceutical Innovation Center, Zibo High-tech Zone, Shandong Province
